*** Island Culture Expressed Through Art, Music and Craftmanship ***

Caribe Colors is a newly created website with the mission to support the creative efforts of artist,artisans and musicians in Puerto Rico and throughout the islands and coastal communities of the Caribbean region. The lush scenery and colorful history of this region has provided inspiration to many talented souls who continue to express themselves through their music, handicrafts, paintings and scultures. The goal of Caribe Colors is to provide these creative individuals with an opportunity to offer their works to the online community through a series of niche galleries dedicated to their particular genres. In addition to offering artistic, artisanal and musical works for sale, we also hope to provide a valuable information resource to visitors and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the region. Please enjoy your visit to Caribe Colors and its affiliate site. Also, we would appreciate your comments on any topic. Feel free to contact us with any feedback or questions through the form provided on the site.